Monday, March 29

Fighting on

In the soap opera that is WHU Zola has vowed to fight on. And Jo Phillips asks:

"Why do I have eerie echoes of Thatcher's " we will fight on" when her leadership was already doomed..."

Although if Zola's Thatcher then who is our John Major figure? Or indeed our Edwina Currie?

The manager publicly contemplating about whether he's the problem is again an example of Zola being maybe too honest. You can't imagine Alex Ferguson or David Moyes doing that.

At least some stability might ensue for the next six games as Gold claims to be behind him. Meanwhile I think I need to go on holiday to consider my future as a West Ham fan.


Alastair McKay said...

even Ray has given up...

Pete May said...

Yes, Ray Winstone diamond cockerney geezer and the only man ever to play Henry VIII in the fashion of a royal member of the ICF, thinks we're going down.
Although maybe his motivational skills in Scum, involving a billiard ball and a sock, might come in handy...