Wednesday, September 11

Our support is effing rude!

West Ham has the third most foul-mouthed fans in the Premier League according to a new study. Experts at QR Code Generator analysed the 200 most popular posts and subsequent comments for each Premier League team’s subreddit. The study then calculated the number of swear words used per 1,000 Reddit comments to determine the final ranking. 

Nottingham Forest fans came top, followed by Chelsea, whose supporters are f***ing s**t, as we well know. West Ham were third with an average of 78.78 swear words used per 1,000 Reddit posts – 27% higher than the average swear count. The study found that West Ham fans had used 715 counts of offensive language on the team’s subreddit. 

The big question is why are West Ham only third? Anyone who has sat next to my pal the Vicar's Son will know that West Ham fans are definitely the sweariest in the league. 

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